Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The precious pandora box of memorable moments

It was a gloomy June afternoon, with discussions of Uttrakhand fiasco just getting over at the lunch table. At 3:38 PM  I was at my work station, looking outside from the french windows next to my desk....The last Wednesday of the month & the heavy showers made Mumbaiakars wade on the road, ... but here was I, thinking of an emotional connect on some shopping trend as I was asked to design some proposals for sales pitch. During my work, my mind was hopping from one thought to another....

As my thoughts drifted from one set of driving emotions to another!

I thought of this: I thought of how every day each of us experiences a few little moments that have just a bit more resonance than other moments—we hear a word that sticks in our mind—or maybe we have a small experience that pulls us out of ourselves,
if only briefly, I could pen out—a small salute to caretaker of my building, as I start for my work, I share a Ram Ram (One of the typical Hindu way of greeting someone instead of a hello) with sabjiwala as I go ; park my vehicle outside the station,  I share an everyday smile at a distance of 20 ft away with the senior gentlemen at Ticket counter just as I climb the staircase to catch the scheduled local... 

I would not call these moments as nostalgic, they are not with people whom I have any relation near or far...its just a bond of everyday smile

apart from this there are those few special moments

some moments that make u say that the time should stop by, 
some moments that make ur day, 
some moments that flash in your eyes as if they were a thing of yesterday
some moments that are nothing BUT SIMPLY MAGICAL...

Those are the moments, probably the count of which will be much lesser than the no of paycheques we got in life but will still be more precious....giving us the strength to rebuild ourselves in broken times....

And if we were to collect these small moments in a diary and save them over a period of months we would see certain trends emerge from our collection—certain voices would emerge that have been trying to speak through us. We talk to people who are not with us....We would realize that we have been having another life altogether; one we didn’t even know was going on inside us. 

And maybe this other life is more important than the one we think of as being real—this cluttered world of honking horns, office chick-chacks, those depressive scenes around u.... 

Few years later you will never recall what was the content of your first presentation, but you will always remember when u broke rules in colg & got punished

So probably such small silent memorable moments are the ones which make true stories in our life & make it eventful...

Collect such memories, Treasure them
Cherish your emotions, Express them

They are the ones that had real you!!!


Arjun Narayanan said...

Life is definitely in the small moments and glad that you realised it.

Esme said...

that's right arjun....the bigger moments are just so rare...so unless u treasure the small moments...u will keep running in dark