Friday, June 4, 2021

Heart Break- One of the most difficult times of life

"So here's the thing with broken hearts. No matter how you try, the pieces never fit the way they did before" Ariana

Imagine a clay pot. It is hard from outside but has a tendency to be brittle. Once broken, all you can do is it to apply quickfix and Whoa its ready to be used again! But hey, will the cracks go? Never. Heart breaks are similar. They leave you with scars. But eventually you will heal yourself and put yourself to work back again as if nothing happened. 

This article is not meant for motivation. No advice on how to move on. Talk to people, keep yourself busy, follow your hobby again & the list continues. 

Here's an interesting fact only if people of entire world were a bundle of data science data sets you would realize that you are not very unique. The possibility of a unique event in a person's life is one in a million. So what has happened with you is also happening with some person somewhere else too. 

Hence this article is only meant to resonate. Because it pains less when you know what's happening with you, is also happening with someone else in some part of the world. Its just human psychology.

Break ups are hard. Moving on is even harder. The hardest part is to think about a future that doesn't have the other person.
The duration of the process of moving on varies from person to person.
The strongest people could take ages. The weakest could move on a blink of a moment.

The idea is to not judge yourself.
The idea is to not even judge the other person.
The idea is to come to reality that this person no longer is required in your life. Especially if such a person simply decided to cut off from your life.
The idea is to find peace with your own avalanche of memories or the feelings of hatred that you now have for the person. 
The idea is to avoid those thoughts from further disturbing you and spoil your mental and physical health.
It's not worth your precious time.

Break ups can be at multiple stages of a relationship. Overcoming them could depend on various factors like your involvement, commitment, tenure of relationship etc etc. 

I will talk of a specific example where the relationship just is beginning. You start feeling  attached. So might be the other person (That's what you feel, may not be true)
It is that stage of relationship, where you are just getting to know a person. Everything feels so good so rosy until one day its boom! 
One person in the blossoming relationship decides to walk away. No explanation. No conversation! 
Leaving the other one miserable to keep guessing. No closures! 

In shorter tenure you don't get to know a person well. All you know is what they are saying and what you keep believing. 
You don't get to know their friends, their family, their colleagues. And hence the belief gets no chance to be dented from anywhere. And thus when the breakup happens you think why it was me and where did it all go wrong?

One of the ways in overcoming such break up during healing process is to know more truths about person coz this person for sure is not telling you one.

The more truths you keep finding they will not hurt you  but will only make you strong with the thought that you should be happy you not with that person and it will ease your process to move on. Such truths could shock you initially but on the flip side surely they will help you to connect the missing dots. Thus helping you find answers to the numerous questions that gave you countless sleepless nights. 

You made a mistake in believing what the person was making you believe. 

But it's ok to make those mistakes in life. Which is why wise people say love is blind

The beautiful part about love is if is honest and is not reciprocated it comes back to you, to soften you, melt you, heal you and freeing you from the toxicity in your heart. 

Moving on is hard but it's one of those processes of life which makes you a better person, in becoming neutral towards someone. 

The presence of whom doesn't bother you. The absence doesn't hurt you either. Their thoughts stop coming to your mind and even when they do you have the power to ignore them coz they now don't carry any meaning. The memories are nothing but trash. You detach. You are finally able to break the link and breathe free.

You have evolved.

and what about loving again? Haahhh

The world says don't fall again, my heart says let there be a few scars again! :)

Image courtesy : Shutterstock