My experiences from Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2016

Ran a Half Marathon for the first time... It was an experience that can't be defined. can only be felt!!
First things First
It definitely is a competition not with the world but with your ownself. And believe me it is more difficult than former as you are trying to identify your real potential.
At the finish line you will never be the same person who was on the start line.
In sports like these you not just require physical strength but a lot more has to do with your mental strength. Will tell you later why?
Every body is different in its stamina. If there are 5 classifications from an elite running (1) to a leisure running (5) I would classify myself at no 3 where an avg of 26% runners would fall in timing
My practice sessions:
I started 2 months ago rigorously. WRONG way to start. At least should have done 3.5
months ago. I am a lot into sports but am not a professional runner.
Get yourself a good pair of shorts and practise in that. In case you are not habitual of wearing shorts this is best time.
Two reasons : a. U should not try anything new at last min.
B. It will help you spraying your knee portions and above during run. U will need it.
Your shoes should be really PERFECT as a lot depends on it.
Medical Advice needed:
Wouldn't say you should but it is good to take advice of physiotherapist as to what to exercise and a dietician regarding your eating patterns and what to eat over these months.
Your lower limbs are definitely more imp in running hence the days I did not run I used to work out on my legs with basic exercises of squats crunches lunges cycling etc etc.
I did for 25 mins but 35 to 45 mins will be great.
if Ur legs shiver while you are putting your entire body weight on them during exercise you should know that they are weak n u really need to work on them. Few physios told this to me.
The race day approaching :
It's good to be nervous to have butterflies in tummy.
Memorise all your paths in mind , memorise the kms, memorise various distance time and speed at various intervals.
Do calculations of various splits ...that gives an emotional satisfaction. At least a week before the race no eating outside no miss on practice.
No new clothes no new shoes or socks or even inner wears.
Two nights and two days before:
Take good sleep. Don't exhaust much. No going to shopping malls however tempting the sale is. Don't tire your legs unnecessarily.
Fill your mobile with good numbers the real punjabi beats help you when u show down.
A night before:
Don't eat heavy but decent to freshen up in morning.
U can't much change your body clock as u will have to get up at least by 1 am and latest by 3 am depending on where you stay from the venue.
Try to have min of 4 hours sleep.
Do some ten mins of yoga to control your nerves.
On the race day morning:
Eat banana for sure n light snack if your body needs.
U might find funny but trust me don't enter the holding area without freshening up. U would hate yourself later if you do it.
It is theee moment:
For the entire 2.5 hours that I ran I do not recall seeing people nearby. It was just me, my mind, my body and my kms.
Of course be careful of timing mats.
The first few kms:
Like 10 of 21
If u have practiced till this will just finish quickly and u would not realize u have done it.
The road after 14 kms :
U have finished 66% . That's great! !!
Don't be very happy right now. The road ahead will be 5X difficult.
There were inclines real steep ones. They would drain the entire energy whatever you have absorbed so far.
This is the time when u mental strength should Over power your physical strength.
At 16
O i wish it would have been sweet 16 .....But it wasn't. Once u reach 16....u embark a road that u have never traveled before. Ur mind traverses the paths that are absolutely unknown.
There will be times when Ur body would simply give up. But this is it. ....where your mind has to stop you from stopping but continue the run cos if you stop. ....U will not be able to run as the pain starts taking over even it means Ur speed has dropped by 20 to 30% keep running. ....JUST RUN! !!!
Believe me these few kms if you do it. ...they will change Ur mind forever!
U will be filled up with so much positivity at the finish line n it's just AWESOME!
It's not just Ur win but of 1000s others who cheered you all through your way. ...
It's so imp to see those smiling faces who motivate you to not stop n finish the last lap
In our daily lives We keep saying to ourselves " one must finish what he/she has started"
"Mind is the driver of the body" etc
But the true experience comes from such challenges ....
The biggest feeling is of accomplishment that u took yourself seriously , identified Ur potential, stretched Ur limits, did not stop even when every part of your body resisted to move ahead, your hard work towards goal and achieved the result.
I was 7 mins late than my target n it was painful.
Only satisfying thing was I finished it in stipulated time.
Little I spared myself on grounds of being first time half marathon runner but next year I am sure to not give myself any !!