THis post has no resemblance to any single person or any sex in particular. Neither it is against any the rich heritage of India and its present development.
It is purely sharing a thought that wildly crossed my mind.
Lately i went to visit Ajanta and Ellora Caves...
Since i went alone i had a lot of time to think abt the visit while coming back
There were 2 different aspects:
1. How much people can accept single women as tourists?
- People spot very soon that u r alone
- they really cant digest to c that
- a man if travels alone grabs no attention.
Makes me say, that the society that we are growing into is much more hypocrite than we think and we realize this much more with every forthcoming experience.
We say that women are being given freedom to do things alone, but why still a fear dawns upon a woman when she does something new against the conventional thoughts of society that probably hurts the ego of a man somewhere deep within.
2. THe caves were wonderful. The rock-cut caves had paintings on verandahs (made all from natural colors-Vanaspatis), inner walls and ceilings, these revealed some of the most beautiful masterpieces of world art.. I just wondered that without the modern jargons of "PROJECT/ DEADLINES/EQUIPMENTS/ MATERIAL MANAGEMENTS/ SUPPLY CHAIN etc" how without any blueprints were these enormous creations created?
What was the sense of art the people in those times had that we lack now?
What should we be more proud of- The rich heritage we have which never used a tinge of technology but only an extreme sense of vision of art which has now lost coz we fail to recognize the art or
Creations like the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (38.4 Km long world’s longest overseas bridge) ,the worli sea link(India’s first creation), and things alike which are meant for public use but has costed us a hefty amount.
What are different perceptions? What are the ideologies?
What will we preserve more? What is more important for the nation- A rich heritage or a developed state ?
Please share your views on both the aspects.